
Man Beaten For Defending Church From Arson Attack

A violent mob in the Swedish municipality of Ronneby has brutally beaten a man defending a church from being set on fire during a riot.

France: 1 in 4 Young Muslims Refuse to Condemn Charlie Hebdo Terror Killings

A survey released by the Institut Français d’Opinion Publique (Ifop) has revealed that 26 per cent of French Muslims under the age of 25 refuse to condemn the 2015 Charlie Hebdo terror killings.

210,000 "Minor" Migrants Have Entered Europe Since 2015

Five years after the height of the European migrant crisis at least 210,000 supposedly underage migrants have applied for asylum in the European Union, according to NGO Save the Children.

Black Staff Claim Working at BBC is like being on ‘Plantation’

LOL: Banksy’s Migrant ‘Rescue’ Boat Calls to be Rescued by the EU

A migrant transport funded by the so-called street artist Banksy demanded help after overloading the vessel with more than 200 people picked up off the coast of Africa.

Library Boss Claims ‘Racism Is a Creation of White People’

The chief librarian of the British Library said “racism is a creation of white people” while pushing for “decolonisation” of the Library as Black Lives Matter activists continue their long march through British institutions.

Land of Hope and Glory reaches number 1 in charts

THE BBC has been mocked after Land of Hope and Glory reached the top of the iTunes chart following a backlash over the broadcaster's decision to perform the patriotic song without lyrics at the Last Night of the Proms.

British Freedom Party