We can no longer rely on ‘The State’ to defend our Island home. Today, as in years gone by, WE, THE PEOPLE must stand together, united in one quest… to save our GREAT BRITAIN and our people.
But How?
Well, did you know that every week almost ONE MILLION young fit British men turn out on the streets of our once mighty Nation and join together as brothers, comrades to sing and march together as one to their local FOOTBALL GROUND!
Imagine if Britain had a citizen Army of Imagine 1 MILLION fit, healthy tough young fellas all on the streets EVERY single week.
Now imagine if WE - you and I - could reach them with our Britannia message of Freedom and Resistance?
If we can reach these British lads, I can assure you we will never see another MILLION English girls gang raped by Islamic grooming gangs, there will be no more ‘little boat’ invaders charging up our Kent beaches and there will be no more crazed lefties blocking our roads and marching down our streets chanting about how much they hate OUR Country.
We want to launch the ‘USE YOUR POWER’ Campaign to reach out to OUR you men and wake them up, to show them the power they have if they just grasped it.
To do this we need 100,000 flyers to distribute at football grounds across this country