£6 Million a DAY Asylum Hotel Bill!

The Tories are making another push to use their manufactured 'asylum crisis' as the excuse to bring multi-cultural 'diversity' to another traditional rural area. This time, people in north Essex are the target, but locals are urging ministers to abandon plans to accommodate 1,500 male asylum seekers at a former RAF base on their doorsteps.

The group say that MDP Wethersfield, near Braintree, has been earmarked by the Home Office for use as an asylum accommodation centre.

The Home Office refused to confirm or deny these reports. It is costing the government almost £6m a day to accommodate about 45,000 asylum seekers in hotels. A report from the international development select committee on Thursday found that as much as a third of the overseas aid budget is being spent on accommodating asylum seekers in the UK.

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