Traitors: Extinction Rebellion Hangs Eco-Message on War Memorial
The eco-extremist group Extinction Rebellion staged a protest on Wednesday at Britain’s national war memorial, the Cenotaph, hanging a wreath and a banner on the monument which read “Honour Their Sacrifice, Climate Change Means War”.
On the 100th anniversary of the unveiling of the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day — a memorial day celebrated throughout the British Commonwealth to honour fallen soldiers — several eco-activists hijacked the proceedings in London to push their apocalyptic vision of supposedly man-made climate change.
Extinction Rebellion member Donald Bell, who served with the British Army in Northern Ireland, hung a wreath of poppies on the Cenotaph with the words “Climate Change Means War” and “Act Now”.
Political commentator Daren Grimes described the act as “truly shameful”, saying: “These privileged prats seem to be doing all they can to turn public opinion against them.”
Bell defended his actions, saying: “I took action today knowing that I would be criticised. I knew that I would be accused of being disrespectful and hated by many for speaking out in this way. Remembrance Day is never an easy time for veterans and this was not an easy decision for me to make.”
“However you feel about the action today, I want people to take this message – if we don’t deal with this climate emergency, now, it will lead to war,” Bell added.
In a press release, Extinction Rebellion said: “The action aims to highlight the connection between rising global temperatures and an increase in the incidence of conflict and war.”
Police were later seen removing the XR wreath from the war memorial.
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