Locals Clear Asylum Camps From Dublin
Several refugees who attempted to set up new tent encampments in areas of Dublin yesterday were run out by locals, it emerged last night.
It followed a directed multi-agency clearout of the latest 'tent city' on the Grand Canal earlier in the morning by the Irish government. The politicians didn't like the thought of illegals camping in their posh part of the city, so they had council workers clear them out of the way.
The 'refugees' promptly moved to set up camp in working class areas of Dublin, but met with determined resistance from locals.
Several tents were seen pitched near the East Link toll bridge following the canal operation but the men were quickly told to move on
After that, over half a dozen were seen pitched up in Ringsend Park. However, at around 9.30am, the refugees who tried to tent up there were told by a group of men to leave or the matter would escalate.The refugees then left.
Later, at the entrance to Ringsend Park, a slashed red Trespass tent was impaled through on the gates at the entrance to the park.
These are the same type of tents which are being handed out to refugees by both homeless organisations as well as state bodies.
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