Irish Left Try To Capitalize on Death of Black Man

The facts about the shooting in Hartstown today (Wednesday 30th), as currently known, are straightforward, and distressing.

George Nkencho, a man of African origin, in his late 20s, entered a Eurospar shop in Hartstown and threatened staff with a large knife. One staff member is currently in hospital after being seriously injured.

The Gardai were called. It appears that Nkencho resisted arrest, and retreated to his home, threatening Gardai repeatedly with the knife in the process. At his home, Gardai then made several attempts to arrest him, presumably on the basis that an angry man threatening people with a knife is a danger to the public.

Mr. Nkencho, it is not disputed, resisted arrest. The Gardai attempted to subdue him, using pepper spray and a taser, and Mr. Nkencho attempted to attack them with a knife. Neither the spray or the taser proved effective. Eventually he charged at the Gardai and they shot him, fatally.

No sooner had this news broken than the usual suspects were out in force, repeating lines that they apparently learned off by heart while watching CNN this summer, and wishing dearly for the opportunity to have a good protest here in Dublin.

Paul Murphy, the far-left TD for Dublin South West, won the internet race to make political hay out of the tragedy.

Not only did comrade Paul imply that the Gardaí might have deployed a group hug rather than protect themselves and others, but posed the question: “Did the fact that he was a black man affect the decisions the Gardaí made?”

But of course it is not a question is it? Murphy and the rest of them know exactly what they are at.

As does Dr. Ebun Joseph, who, naturally, was also quick out of the traps to retweet the sort of stuff that Americans will be well used to: He was “just going home”, “harmless”, maybe had psychiatric issues, had children, and so on.

Would-be Senator Ruth Coppinger claimed that the Gardaí had shot an unarmed man. Because unarmed chaps are famous for going around wielding large knives and attacking shop workers. And not to be outdone the Jedward boys, Ireland’s answer to George and Ira Gershwin, took some time off from making sure we are all socially distancing to send their virtual concerns and thoughts – though their protestations now seem to be mysteriously deleted.

One thing missing amidst the outrage seemed to be any concern for the victims of the unarmed assailant, or indeed for the Gardaí for whom the incident will possibly become a life changing event once the lefty tumbril starts rolling. Every effort will be made, fear not, to identify them, and uncover anything at all that might suggest that they shot Mr. Nkencho because he was black.

But let’s be clear: Be he black, white, yellow, or brown, Mr. Nkencho would be alive this morning had he chosen almost any other course of action other than the one that he did choose: If you charge at armed police officers wielding a knife, there’s always the risk they may take you seriously enough to shoot you. That has nothing to do with race. Ask Raoul Moat.

Some of the other social media responses to the incident were also telling. Not from the professional carers and would-be exploiters of racial tensions, but from people living in parts of west Dublin. Many of those tweeting and posting had surnames that would indicate that they are not Irish by heritage. There seemed to be little sympathy being evinced for the dead person, that’s for certain.

The reason for that is that for several years now, certain parts of north and west county Dublin have been terrorised by gangs of young Africans who engage in all manner of anti social and criminal behaviour. Very rarely do people hear of this because the people who control mostly what they want people to read and hear and to see simply do not allow reportage of such matters. And if those living under intimidation do make their voices heard, they are invariably attacked as either racist or the unwitting dupes of the cunning “far right.”

As I am writing this it would seem that there is a protest outside Blanchardstown Garda station, and some of what I’ve seen on social media I’ve seen is borderline incitement. Hopefully, those elected politicians who are stirring the pot and engaged in competition to see who can corner the market might “reflect” upon what they are at.

It would present a danger to the community in these areas, including many Africans who do not identify with criminals any more than working class Dubs do with our own crowd , if the death is used for political purposes. It would be an insult to the black Africans I know, who are decent, law-abiding people, if some Black Lives Matter bandwagon was to attempt to turn this into a vehicle for violence and hatred.

But then, there are retweets to be had, and those matter more than actual black lives.

Source: Gript

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