Common Flowers That Could KILL Your Dog

With spring in full bloom, a vet has issued a timely warning to dog owners about the potential dangers lurking in their gardens.

As we swiftly sail towards summer, many green-thumbed enthusiasts are inspired to get out and tend to their gardens - but pet owners are urged to be vigilant about the species of shrubbery they choose to plant and grow. 

Experts at UK-based Soto Gardens and have compiled a list of four species of spring plants that could cause serious harm to your pooch - and issues further advice on how to treat your furry friend should they become ill due to poisoning.

1. Daffodils. All parts of the plant, especially the bulbs, contain toxic alkaloids that can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, and even cardiac arrhythmias in dogs.

Traces of calcium oxalate crystals can also be found in the bulbs, causing dermatitis in dogs. If you have previously had daffodils in your garden, or even in a vase in your house, it is crucial you remove any soil or water they have touched.

If your dog has come into contact with daffodils, the first sign of poisoning is diarrhoea and vomiting - however, in extreme cases a dog's heart can be affected, along with triggering long-term stomach issues.


2. AzaleasThese popular flowering shrubs contain grayanotoxins, which, if ingested, can result in vomiting, respiratory issues - and in extreme cases, your dog may need to be put into an induced coma.

Signs your dog has ingested this kind of plant include vomiting and constant dribbling. Shaking and very low blood pressure are also key signals. 


3. Bluebells. Bluebells contain glycosides that can cause gastrointestinal upset, drooling, and in severe cases, and decreased heart rate in dogs. 

Bluebells are rich in scillarens, which are known to slow the heart rate down. They also contain poisonous glycosides, which would cause most animals, including humans, to feel extremely unwell.

If your dog has been poisoned though ingestion, some of the signs include diarrhoea, vomiting and general abdominal discomfort - however, if enough of the plant is eaten, a decreased heart rate could require urgent medical attention


4.  Lillies. Various species of lilies are highly toxic to all pets, including dogs, and can cause low mood, vomiting, anorexia, and even tumours if ingested. Even small ingestions of pollen or leaves can be harmful. 

If you have any kind of pet, particular types of this flower are best avoided, as the side effects from simply licking the pollen off their fur could have disastrous consequences.'

To spot lily poisoning in dogs, one of the main things to look out for is low mood. If your pooch seems down and generally out of sorts, this could be why. 

Another symptom is rapid weight loss, as these plants can eventually cause anorexia in dogs, along with stomach issues and, in some extreme cases, tumours.

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